So this post kinda incorporates a few different themes and inspirations... all along the same theme.
Firstly inspired by Ali and her "One Little Word" concept... mine for 2009 is Harmony, or Harmonise actually. At first I was thinking of "organise" as I approach mothering 3 children (2 of those under 2 years)... but it really didnt sit well... or have the right feeling for me, then I found "HARMONISE" was really what I was after and where I was coming from... my wish for my home and family... that I can create some harmony and unity in 2009.
During a meditation/conceptial idea for my "wheel of life" for 2009 I worked on here over the weekend, I came up with this creative piece:
Which is kinda along similar lines of projects I have done before, such as my dreamboard and wish jar. I find these very powerful tools in manifesting ones dreams and desires... my list for 2009 includes:
SELF: Accept and love myself... embrace "me" and let that love and acceptance flow to all aspects of my life.
RELATIONSHIPS: Harmonise my family, parent effectively (Nath and I are attending this course together this year); Reconnect with my sisters and rediscover each other's souls (this is definitely one of my most important objectives for this year); Nurture my soulmate relationship with Nathan as the most important in my life. Embrace our union daily.
HOME: Harmonise, Organise, Lead, Play, Love, Respect, Appreciate.
CREATIVITY: Go for it, solidify myself as a mixed media artist; sell; promote and market.
HEALTH: Go with the flow and believe in myself with this 3rd birthing experience, know I can have another estactic birth; continue to walk daily; go on regular bike rides; do pre-natal yoga; maintain healthy eating and diet.
SPIRITUALITY: Get back into Yoga in a major way; volunteer in my community; spend time on meditation and spiritual growth.
WEALTH: Continue to support Nathan in creating family wealth; continue to make some money for the family; maintain lifestyle; enjoy family holidays; save money; constant goal of building in Deakin.
The next project I started this year with is Emily's 52Q tags - a weekly challenge:
52Q1 - What do you wish for in 2009... here is the card, pretty much all the stuff above is repeated on the back of this tag:
52Q2 - Am I afraid of change? Basically my journalling is that I am not afraid of change I instigate, but I can be of changes out of my control. And fear of the unknown.
52Q3 - Do you believe in Faries... well of course! Especially the tooth fairy kind... Mikaela has lost about 6 teeth in the last year, the most memorable was when she was on the back of a jet ski with Nath in Palm Cove, FNQ October last year. No tooth for the fairy that night!!
That's about it from me for now... here's to a wonderful 2009 full of change and growth!!
We're off {all together, as a family} for our first appointment at the Birthing Centre this morning... seems appropriate that we all go, since we have an opportunity for us all to be there for the birth (if not all in the room at the time of arrival).