Most Thursday's between 930am and 12ish, you will find us at Paint and Play, catching up with some fabulous women and lots of gorgeous kidlets.
This week Joshua created this fabulous piece:
I was inside nursing Benjamin, thankfully a very considerate Mumma put a smock on Joshua for me :)... when I came out she explained that once he had finished painting, he grabbed a peg to add in the "scratches"... so sweet!
He was right into it !
Squishy joy!!
This is Joshua having his morning tea of fruit. Moments before he was enjoying the shaving cream {pure sensory joy} table... he is such a card!
After Ben had a feed as soon as we'd arrived, he pretty much slept the entire time :)
This here is Martha, my superhero girlfriend who is such an inspiration to me... she had 3 under 2 years... her first boy was Joshua's age when her twins (both boys) arrived. They are now 3 under 5. She is totally amazing. Incredulously {to me anyways} that since Ben was born she has brought me two meals. She is a Yogi and studying to do pregnancy massage. She totally rocks. Martha is definitely in my top 5 for 2009.
Today was such a magical day... sunny, bright, crisp and feeling spring is right around the corner. I got to chat with some other great women, Deb & her Mum Cynthia and Helen (new to Canberra). Plus it is just so lovely to be out and about with the boys. The boys. WOW. Feels strange to say that. Me and my boys. Strange and very, very good. ALso just feels good that the weather is getting nice enough to take them out without my fear that Ben and I will end up back in hospital!
This one is for my SIL, Ben wearing an outfit she bought him which he is rapidly outgrowing... he is such a nugget!
Once we are home from Paint & Play, both boys nap the afternoon and I get to do some of my own Paint & Play LOL !!
Slowly my studio is getting a make-over. I will share once done... so in about 6 months!! kidding :)
Happy Friday lovelies...