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Friday, 16 September 2011


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Fantastic insight! So I'm assuming all fruit has fructose? How much does 25gms equate to? Is there more than this in 1 piece of fruit? Sounds like I have some homework to do!! I don't eat any refined sugars but I do have 2 peices of fruit a day...very interesting!!!


How is awesome are her books!? Have you read her first one? I got it from the library and loved it. I have bought this new book, and am about to start reading it (at night while I'm not boredom eating lol).
All the best in the challenge :)

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About FitMumma...

  • FitMumma {my daughter nick named me} aka Rebecca, based in Canberra, Australia. Married to {the Accountant} Nathan, HOT-ttieee!! :) ... I have three beautiful children, Mikaela is almost 12 years, Joshua 5 years and Benjamin is 3 years. I am super lucky to be a stay at home Mumma. >>> My main forms of exercise are running, cycling and swimming. I also *love* ride (spin) classes and cross fit style training... which I LOVE LOVE! >>> I have hypothyroidism and strive to maintain an optimum weight for the training I am doing. I do this by following the (Michelle Bridges) 12WBT program. >>> I am happiest when I "Sweat Once A Day"... just like my favourite LuluLemon socks slogan :) >>> Thanks for stopping by :) >>>

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