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Thursday, 01 December 2011


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Lusi Austin

Hi gorgeous :-) congrats on completing another 12 weeker!
Have loved reading about your journey. You've inspired me to go on a journey of my own. I rejoined WW after reading about their new pro points system which will work well for me; lots of fruit and veg, I'm on very little sugar now, no caffeine but still enjoying eating and life! I lost 0.7 kg this week which doesn't sound like much but it's a start hey!
Love juicing! Having one almost daily with homegrown spinach, vegies and some fruit too.
Anyway, thanks for the inspiration my friend to be healthy and happy!!!
Much love,
Lus x

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About FitMumma...

  • FitMumma {my daughter nick named me} aka Rebecca, based in Canberra, Australia. Married to {the Accountant} Nathan, HOT-ttieee!! :) ... I have three beautiful children, Mikaela is almost 12 years, Joshua 5 years and Benjamin is 3 years. I am super lucky to be a stay at home Mumma. >>> My main forms of exercise are running, cycling and swimming. I also *love* ride (spin) classes and cross fit style training... which I LOVE LOVE! >>> I have hypothyroidism and strive to maintain an optimum weight for the training I am doing. I do this by following the (Michelle Bridges) 12WBT program. >>> I am happiest when I "Sweat Once A Day"... just like my favourite LuluLemon socks slogan :) >>> Thanks for stopping by :) >>>

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